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Modern Wall Art: Ideas for Layout and Location

Modern Wall Art: Ideas for Layout and Location

What is Modern Wall Art?

Definition and Characteristics

Let's quickly set the scene. Modern Art refers to the period between the 1860’s and the middle to late middle of the 20th century. The period after this and up to the present is known as Contemporary Art. Modern Wall Art as a term seems to embrace both these periods and the different styles and movements that took place. It is widely used in a commercial context and refers to a range of creative forms of expression: paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures or other wall hangings for the home.

The sheer range of artworks now available to purchase is quite amazing and with the availability of online stores you can quickly browse and find something that suits you and your home. You can very much express yourself in the wall art you own and its layout and location. Each purchase is a reflection of something you were drawn to whether that is the colour, style or subject. Owning multiple artworks allows you to tell a story and each work helps the other to enhance that. Your home is an informal gallery and you can be the curator. Read our post, Wall Art for Living Room: What to Buy? where we discuss what to buy in more detail.

Layout Ideas for Your Artwork

Considering Room Size and Layout

Room size is obviously important when you are buying modern wall art for your home. Most of us aren’t blessed with vast spaces, so a bit of measuring and thought before purchase will allow you to get the best from every room. Artwork can inject a room with a personality and can help set the atmosphere and define a space. So think about the theme and mood you want to set in each space.

Focal Point

Rooms tend to have a natural focal point to them, a fireplace in the living room, bed in the bedroom. The art you display can complement these, perhaps by putting it above the fireplace or bed. You might want to balance the pieces you put up as well, so for example the piece above the fireplace or bed is mirrored by a different one of a similar size on the opposite wall. If you lack a natural focal point you can use an artwork that is bold perhaps in colour and/or size to draw the eye.

Line of Sight and Hanging

Use line of sight as a natural way to show off wall art. Place pieces on the wall opposite a opening where they can be seen through and framed by the opening. When hanging artwork imagine a line drawn around the room at eye level and place different sized artworks so the middle of their height is on this line, you may have to actually measure this but just using your eye is fine if it just looks right. Keep the spacing between consistent as well. Hanging artworks this way allows the eye to be led around the room and to create a visual harmony and rhythm between walls and rooms.

Gallery Wall

The gallery wall style, as seen below, is a popular way of hanging wall art; though it is more of a challenge to hang than a single work. A well known example of this method is the annual summer art exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. It is a great way to fill a large wall by incorporating many artworks together in a group. You can group them by theme, style and colour and there are two main layouts, a grid style or a less formal more natural grouping.

A grid style suits a collection that is the same size and perhaps with a similar theme running between them. On the other hand, choosing a natural/organic grouping suits a collection with a variety of sizes, themes and even media. To hang an organic grouping you should select the pieces you want and draw around them on to paper. Cut these outlines out and label them so you can remember what artwork they represent. You can now arrange these cutouts on the wall using masking tape until you find a layout you like before drilling any holes. You could try this on the floor first to get a rough idea or even sketch out the layout on paper.

To give all gallery wall groupings some harmony it is wise to keep the same distance between each artwork on all sides.

Grid style gallery layout
Grid Style Gallery Layout

Oranic style gallery layout
Organic Style Gallery Layout

Does it even have to be on the wall?

Shelving, as seen below, can be used to place art on. This breaks up the objects and books on display and becomes a focal point. You can also put pieces on the floor leaning against the wall if space allows, although be mindful of glass framed artworks and where you place them. What is great about these options is the ability to easily move and change the artwork around without drilling holes!

Artork displayed on shelves with other objects
Artworks Incorporated In To A Shelving Display

Matching Art with Your Colour Scheme

Artwork colours matching wall and furnishings
Artwork Colour Matching

Some ideas to take in to account when thinking about colour and wall art:

  • You don’t have to choose an artwork to suit the wall colour. You can also change the wall colour to suit the artwork.
  • Use complimentary colours
  • Pick out a colour in the artwork and use that in a differing tone on the wall. Or, keep the wall and background of the artwork the same colour.
  • Make the art a focal point by using a simple neutral wall colour such as a white or light grey/cream.
  • Use high contrast to create a sense of drama such as very bright artwork on a black wall or vice versa.

Incorporating Contemporary Wall Art Into Different Locations

Living Room Ideas

The living room is probably most suited to hanging wall art as it is often the largest room in the home and a communal, conversational space. Use the furniture and features in the room with the artwork. Lighting is important, you may not want shadows cast across artworks or sunlight fading them. Equally, you can use light to your advantage by spotlighting pictures.

A large picture above the sofa is a great way to balance them both. Think about the colours of the furniture as well. Pick out colour/s in the artwork to match the sofa or add cushions, throws and rugs as an easy subtle way to add a pop of colour that mirrors an artwork. Don’t over do it, less is more.

Bedroom Inspirations

The bedroom is a space in which we sleep, so naturally seems to suggest a calm palette of colours and sense of relaxation. As an intimate space, personal artwork suits this room, so pieces that you might not what in the more public display of a living room. Again think about lighting and the way furniture and the colours of bedding relate to the artwork.

Office Decor Tips

As a working environment artworks that inspire would work well here. So anything with motivational quotes or perhaps inspirational people, events and personal achievements. Artworks with energising colours also give a sense of motivation and creativity, although avoid anything too distracting or jarring as you really need to maintain concentration in this room.

Ultimately you should buy wall art because you like it and hang it in a way that suits the room, your style and the artwork itself.

Here, at Cypher Printworks, you can find modern wall art prints which have been inspired by code and can be personalised by you. They look great on any wall and are available in a variety of colours and framing options, all with free delivery. View the range.

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